
Top 5 Tips to Work With Your Spouse

Sep 22, 2022

We've been married 12 years. 

We've been working together in our business for 3, but we've been figuring out life together from our first hello.

I almost didn't go on the vacation where I met Eric. I was trying to pay off school debt and picking up every extra shift as an RN at the hospital that I could.

A new found friend asked me along on a trip with her girlfriends, and for the first time in my ever calculated and planned life, I said yes!

We landed, checked in, had a bite to eat and made our way to the disco to get this vacation started right.

I was dancing and laughing and then I was met with a simple, "Hello...."

I gazed into his soft eyes and instantly felt a protection, a safety. He'll tell you that when I walked by him checking in at the hotel, he felt a force hit him, and he couldn't look away. He saw the most beautiful girl in the world, and he spent the rest of the day looking for me after his friends said, " Don't ambush her now, she's just getting on the island."

1 simple hello turned into 4 dreamy days and nights together in the Dominican, to 9 months of a long distance relationship as I was from Pennsylvania and he was from Ontario. Then an engagement, immigration, moving in together, a wedding, a child, renovating our home,  and 2 businesses later.

We've been figuring out a lot together, but immigration, and for me starting anew, with no family support, was the hardest thing we've ever navigated. We often say if we can get through that, we can get through anything.

1 simple hello turned into 4 dreamy days and nights together in the Dominican, to 9 months of a long distance relationship as I was from Pennsylvania and he was from Ontario. Then an engagement, immigration, moving in together, a wedding, a child, renovating our home,  and 2 businesses later.

We've been figuring out a lot together, but immigration, and for me starting anew, with no family support, was the hardest thing we've ever navigated. We often say if we can get through that, we can get through anything.

So how do you know if you and your spouse could ever work together?

1. You've navigated a challenge, I mean, a REAL challenge in the past.

Think of a time when you've really needed each other. It could be something monumental like a coping with a death in the family, overcoming an addiction, job loss, shifting to a new career, or something as simple as support with a new health plan, or hobby that you've doubted yourself. If you trust your spouse as your #1 best friend, go to, I can tell you anything-person- than chances are that odds are in your favour.

2. You've already birthed something together.

Whether that's a child, adopted or fostered a child, a home, your kids dreams, or your retirement plan, it takes belief, patience, and expert communication to pull it off. A misconception is that in order to work together you always have to agree. Seeing things from different viewpoints is incredibly valuable in business, but it's most important to communicate it well. Sometimes I have a better idea for a client project, and sometimes Eric does. 

Which leads to number 3...

3. You genuinely champion each other, love spending time together, and don't one up each other.

My strengths are video coaching, content and sales script writing, energy, focus, productivity, and the day to day operations to keep projects like courses, memberships, and funnels moving with excellence and fun!

Eric is a grand thinker with equity deals and sellable businesses and running all of the technology and most of the team. He loves to be behind the scenes and I love to connect with people. We don't try to one up each other or micromanage. We're confident in each other's ability and genuinely love seeing each other shine. 

Ultimately, we spend a lot of time together parenting, running a household, managing a team, and running a successful business together, and we wouldn't want it any other way. I'm not saying you have to have love at first sight like us, but you have to genuinely have the patience, communication, and talent to make it work any relationship, business or personal work. 

Lastly, I know what you're thinking, "Do we ever fight?"

The answer is, of course! We don't yell or raise our voice or go to bed mad, but we do disagree. We get on each other's nerves sometimes, and some days our patience with each other is low.

What's helped is to have little (or large) breaks of alone time. Whether that's a solo walk around the block for Eric or a Peloton workout for me, golf for Eric, or piano and voice lessons for me.

We have interests and hobbies outside of the ones we enjoy ourselves.

Just because we enjoy being together ALL OF THE TIME, doesn't mean we don't need our own space.

Also, Eric is a 5am, wake up before the sun worker. I tend to be a night owl and love the peace and quiet of the moon. 

We communicate, honour, and values each other's patterns, quirks, and needs! For us, it works! We designed it this way. Perhaps it could even work for you too!


Want to know more about how we can help you? Contact us today!

Written by Lisa Pezik


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We’re Eric and Lisa Pezik. We’re a husband and wife duo who work side by side from our living room, supported by talented team members (copywriters, graphic designers, video producers, website and funnel developers, media buyers, social media specialists, and blog and SEO experts) from around the world. Even though we run a business together, we’re very different humans — and that’s what makes our business so unique.

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